Zedekiah belknap biography of william


Public Home > American Art (including Canadian an… > B > Zedekiah Belknap

  • Public Home

    • American Art (including Canadi…

      • A

        1. Edwin Austin Abbey

        2. Lucien Abrams

        3. Charles Partridge Adams

        4. Wayman E.


        5. Winnifred Brady Adams

        6. John Industrialist Adams

        7. Willis Seaver Adams

        8. Woodhull Adams

        9. Henry Hammond Ahl

        10. Ernest Albert

        11. John B. Alberts

        12. James President Alden

        13. George Ames Aldrich

        14. Francis Alexander

        15. Henry Alexander

        16. John White Alexander

        17. Marion Boyd Allen

        18. Thomas Allen

        19. Washington Allston

        20. Mathias J.


        21. Abraham Archibald Anderson

        22. Franklin Anderson

        23. Karl Anderson

        24. Victor Coleman Anderson

        25. Thomas Proprietor. Anshutz

        26. Frank Applegate

        27. Frank Milton Armington

        28. John River Arter

        29. Stanley Arthurs

        30. Henry Ary

        31. John Carlton Atherton

        32. John James Audubon

        33. John Woodhouse Audubon

        34. George Copeland Ault

        35. Ben Austrian

      • B

        • Walter Emerson Baum

        • George Reverend Bellows

          1. George Wesley Bellows, 1900's

          2. George Reverend Bellows, 1910 - …

          3. George Reverend Bellows, 1915 - …

          4. George Reverend Bellows, 1920's …

        • Frank Weston Benson

          1. Frank Weston Benson, 1880's & …

          2. Frank Weston Benson.


          3. Frank Weston Benson, 1910's

          4. Frank Weston Benson, 1920's - …

        • Albert Bierstadt

          1. Albert Bierstadt 1850's

          2. Albert Bierstadt 1860's

          3. Albert Bierstadt 1870's

          4. Albert Bierstadt 1880's - 1900…

          5. Albert Bierstadt - Undatable A -…

          6. Albert Bierstadt - Dateless H -…

          7. Albert Bierstadt - Dateless Q -…

        • Franz Bischoff

          1. Franz Bischoff, Middleoftheroad Works

          2. Franz Bischoff - Undated Works…

          3. Franz Bischoff, Undated Works,…

        • Oscar Bluemner

          1. Oacar Bluemner - 1890's - 1910…

          2. Oscar Bluemner - 1920's

          3. Oscar Bluemner - 1930's and Un…

        • William Bradford

          1. William Bradford, Antique Works

          2. William Bradford, Undated Work…

        • Alfred Archeologist Bricher

          1. Alfred Thompson Bricher 1850's…

          2. Alfred Physicist Bricher 1870's

          3. Alfred Thompson Bricher 1880's

          4. Alfred Thompson Bricher 1890's…

          5. Alfred Thompson Bricher, Undat…

          6. Alfred Thompson Bricher, Undat…

        • Frederick Character Bridgman

          1. Frederick Arthur Bridgman, 186…

          2. Frederick President Bridgman, 188…

          3. Frederick Arthur Bridgman, Und…

        • John George Brown

          1. John George Brown - 1850's &18…

          2. John George Brown - 1870's

          3. John George Brown, 1880's

          4. John Martyr Brown - 1890-1913

          5. John George Brownish - Undated

        • James Edward Buttersworth

          1. James Prince Buttersworth - Da…

          2. James Edward Buttersworth - Un…

        1. Edward Mitchell Bannister

        2. Otto h Bacher

        3. Henry Bacon

        4. William Baptist Baird

        5. Elisha President Baker

        6. William Bliss Baker

        7. James Bard

        8. Myron Linty.


        9. Edward H. Barnard

        10. George Randolph Barse, Jr

        11. Gifford Beal

        12. Reynolds Beal

        13. James Henry Beard

        14. William Holbrook Beard

        15. Cecilia Beaux

        16. Henry Bebie

        17. James Author Beckwith

        18. Zedekiah Belknap

        19. Edward August Bell

        20. Albert Mustelid Bellows

        21. Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith

        22. Henry Benbridge

        23. Gerrit Adroit.


        24. William James Bennett

        25. George Frederick Bensell

        26. Louis Frederick Bernecker

        27. Oscar E. Berninghaus

        28. Frank King Bicknell

        29. Daniel Folger Bigelow

        30. George Caleb Bingham

        31. William Verplanck Birney

        32. Thomas Birch

        33. Laverne Nelson Black

        34. Olive Parker Black

        35. Ralph Albert Blakelock

        36. Dwight Blaney

        37. Edwin H.


        38. Carle John Blenner

        39. Robert Town Blum

        40. David Gilmore Blythe

        41. Henry Boese

        42. Abraham Particularize. Bogdanove

        43. Frank Myers Boggs

        44. Max Bohm

        45. Alfred Boisseau

        46. Edward Darley Boit

        47. Edward Borein

        48. Carl Oscar Borg

        49. Gutzon Borglum

        50. Frederick Andrew Bosley

        51. George Henry Boughton

        52. Evelyn Bodfish Bourne

        53. De Witt Clinton Boutelle

        54. Rosamund Smith Bouve

        55. Clarence Boyd

        56. Maurice Braun

        57. John Leslie Breck

        58. Hugh Henry Breckenridge

        59. Rae Sloan Bredin

        60. James Renwich Brevoort

        61. Anna Mary Richards Brewster

        62. Fidelia Bridges

        63. Franklin Dullin Briscoe

        64. John Bunyan Bristol

        65. Robert William Broderick

        66. Henrietta Bromwell

        67. Samuel Marsden Brookes

        68. Nicholas Alden Brooks

        69. Albertus del Orient Browere

        70. Benjamin Chambers Brown

        71. George Loring Brown

        72. Grafton President Brown

        73. Harrison Bird Brown

        74. John Appleton Brown

        75. Manneville E.

          D. Brown

        76. Mather Brown

        77. Matilda Browne

        78. William Mason Brown

        79. Charles Francis Browne

        80. George Elmer Browne

        81. Charles de Wolf Brownell

        82. Jennie Brownscombe

        83. Edward Bright Bruce

        84. Patrick Henry Bruce

        85. George Category.


        86. Louise Upton Brumback

        87. George de Home and dry Brush

        88. Everett Lloyd Bryant

        89. Karl Albert Buehr

        90. John Elwood Bundy

        91. Dennis Miller Bunker

        92. Thomas Mickell Burnham

        93. Bryson Burroughs

        94. Joseph Henry Bush

        95. Norton Bush

        96. Howard Russell Butler

        97. Theodore Earl Butler

        98. Frederick Butman

        99. John Henry Byrd

      • C

        • Soren Emil Carlsen

          1. Soren Emil Carlsen, 1870's & 1…

          2. Soren Emil Carlsen, 1890's

          3. Soren Emil Carlsen, 1900's & 1…

          4. Soren Emil Carlsen, 1920's & 1…

          5. Soren Emil Carlsen, Undated

        • Mary Cassatt

          1. Mary Cassatt - 1860's pole 1870…

          2. Mary Cassatt - 1880's

          3. Mary Cassatt - 1890's

          4. Mary Cassatt - 1900's

          5. Mary Cassatt - 1910's,1920's a…

        • George Catlin

          1. George Catlin - Portraits

          2. George Catlin - Scenes of Nati…

          3. George Catlin - Landscapes and…

        • William Merritt Chase

          1. William Merritt Chase, 1860's …

          2. William Merritt Dig up - 1880 -…

          3. William Merritt Come by, 1886 - …

          4. William Merritt Make a purchase of - 1890 -…

          5. William Merritt Hire, 1895-18…

          6. William Merritt Chase, 1900's

          7. William Merritt Chase, 1910's

          8. William Merritt Chase, Undated

        • Frederic Edwin Church

          1. Frederic Edwin Church - 1840's

          2. Frederic Edwin Church - 1850's

          3. Frederic Edwin Church - 1860's

          4. Frederic King Church - 1870's

          5. Fredrick Edwin Service - 1880's…

        • Colin Campbell Cooper

          1. Colin Mythologist Cooper, 1880's …

          2. Colin Campbell Craftsman, 1920's …

        • Jasper Francis Cropsey

          1. Jasper Francis Cropsey - 1840'…

          2. Jasper Francis Cropsey - 1860'…

          3. Jasper Francis Cropsey - 1870'…

          4. Jasper Francis Cropsey - 1880'…

          5. Jasper Francis Cropsey - 1890'…

        1. William Vincent Cahill

        2. James A.


        3. John Carlin

        4. John Califano

        5. James Cameron

        6. Arthur Beecher Carles

        7. John Fabian Carlson

        8. Franklin Carmichael

        9. Emily Carr

        10. Samuel S. Carr

        11. William pile la Montagne Cary

        12. John W. Casilear

        13. Ira Diamond Gerald Cassidy

        14. Jefferson David Chalfant

        15. Thomas Chambers

        16. Benjamin Champney

        17. James Wells Champney

        18. Elisabeth Chant

        19. Bryant Chapin

        20. C.

          H. Chapin

        21. Charles H. Chapin

        22. Conrad Wise Chapman

        23. John Gadsby Chapman

        24. Franklin Charmichael

        25. Harry Aiken Chase

        26. Emma Richardson Cherry

        27. Alice Wooden. Chittenden

        28. Howard Chandler Christy

        29. Alfred Vance Churchill

        30. William Worchester Churchill

        31. William Henry Clapp

        32. Alson Histrion Clark

        33. Kate Freeman Clark

        34. Walter Clark

        35. Ralph Elmer Clarkson

        36. John Greenleaf Cloudman

        37. George Lafayette Clough

        38. Edmund C.


        39. Frederick Simpson Coburn

        40. Charles Codman

        41. Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin

        42. Joseph Foxcroft Cole

        43. Thomas Cole

        44. Charles Caryl Coleman

        45. Samuel Colman, Jr.

        46. Morgan Colt

        47. Cassius Marcellus Coolidge

        48. Astley David Montague Cooper

        49. Washington Bogart Cooper

        50. George Cope

        51. John Singleton Copley

        52. Fern Isabel Coppedge

        53. Thomas Cromwell Corner

        54. Paul Cornoyer

        55. Aaron H.


        56. William Alexander Coulter

        57. E. Writer Couse

        58. Gordon Coutts

        59. Kenyon Cox

        60. Frederic Schiller Cozzens

        61. Charles Craig

        62. Christopher Pearse Cranch

        63. Robert Bruce Crane

        64. John Denison Crocker

        65. Edward Cucuel

        66. Maurice Galbraith Cullen

        67. Rinaldo Cuneo

        68. Frank William Cuprien

        69. Charles Courtney Curran

        70. J.

          Frank Currier

        71. John Steuart Curry

        72. George Curtis

        73. Ralph Wormsley Curtis

      • D

        1. Elliott Daingerfield

        2. William Turner Dannat

        3. Felix Octavius Carr Darley

        4. Wilder Darling

        5. Arthur Bowen Davies

        6. Charles Harold Davis

        7. Warren B.


        8. William M. Davis

        9. Joseph B. Davol

        10. Dawson Dawson-Watson

        11. Francis Day

        12. Edwin Deakin

        13. Henry Golden Dearth

        14. Charles Deas

        15. Joseph DeCamp

        16. Joseph Decker

        17. Robert Melvin Decker

        18. Felix consent to Crano

        19. Mauritz F.

          H. De Haas

        20. William Frederick de Haas

        21. Franklin de Haven

        22. Clara Deike

        23. Frederick Dellenbaugh

        24. Edwin Willard Deming

        25. Herbert Despot. Denman

        26. Gideon Jacques Denny

        27. Frederick Usher DeVoll

        28. Maria Oakey Dewing

        29. Thomas Wilmer Dewing

        30. Preston Dickinson

        31. Arthur Vidal Diehl

        32. Charles Temple Dix

        33. Maynard Dixon

        34. William de Leftwich Dodge

        35. John Henry Dolph

        36. Gaines Ruger Donoho

        37. Paul Dougherty

        38. Thomas Doughty

        39. Arthur Dove

        40. Arthur Wesley Dow

        41. Clement Drew

        42. William Staples Drown

        43. Alexander John Drysdale

        44. Victor Dubreuil

        45. Frank V.


        46. Edward Dufner

        47. Frank Vincent DuMond

        48. Robert Seldon Duncanson

        49. William Dunlap

        50. Harvey T. Dunn

        51. Robert S. Dunning

        52. W. Herbert Dunton

        53. George Henry Durrie

        54. Fannie Eliza Duvall

        55. Frank Duveneck

      • E

        1. Thomas Eakins

        2. Ralph Earl

        3. James Earle

        4. Lawrence Carmichael Earle

        5. Seth Eastman

        6. Charles Harry Eaton

        7. Charles Warren Eaton

        8. Joseph Horace Eaton

        9. Charles Ebert

        10. Francis William Edmonds

        11. Edward Edmonson

        12. John Whetten Ehninger

        13. Jacob Eichholtz

        14. Louis M.


        15. Lemuel L. Eldred

        16. Charles Loring Elliott

        17. Edwin Elmer

        18. Lydia Field Emmet

        19. John Joseph Enneking

        20. Joseph Eliot Enneking

        21. De Adventurer Evans

        22. George Clowes Everett

        23. William Arnold Eyden, Sr.

      • F

        1. James Fairman

        2. John Mackie Falconer

        3. Harry Farlow

        4. Henry Farny

        5. Ellen Burpee Farr

        6. Henry Farrer

        7. Nicholai Fechin

        8. Lyonel Feininger

        9. Robert Feke

        10. Henry Augustus Ferguson

        11. Jean-Leon Gerome Ferris

        12. Erastus Salisbury Field

        13. Hamilton Easter Field

        14. Alvan Fisher

        15. William Mark Fisher

        16. Simon Fitch

        17. Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald

        18. Henry Chapman Ford

        19. George Forster

        20. William Forsyth

        21. Ben Foster

        22. Alexis Jean Fournier

        23. John F.


        24. John Bond Francisco

        25. Oliver Frazer

        26. Frederick Warren Freer

        27. Arnold Friedman

        28. Charles A. Fries

        29. Arthur B. Frost

        30. Francis Shedd Frost

        31. John Frost

        32. John Frothingham

        33. Jacob Frymire

        34. Louis Agassiz Fuertes

        35. George Fuller

        36. Frederick Fursman

      • G

        1. Clarence Gagnon

        2. John Gamble

        3. Daniel Garber

        4. William Gilbert Gaul

        5. August Gay

        6. Edward Gay

        7. Walter Gay

        8. Winckworth Allan Gay

        9. Samuel Copse Gaylor

        10. Samuel Lancaster Gerry

        11. Charles Henry Gifford

        12. Robert Swain Gifford

        13. William Wallace Gilchrist, Jr.

        14. Selden Connor Gile

        15. William Gollings

        16. Arthur Clifton Goodwin

        17. Philip Russell Goodwin

        18. Richard Labarre Goodwin

        19. James Farrington Gookins

        20. Aaron Harry Gorson

        21. Olof Grafstrom

        22. Clement Rollins Grant

        23. Walter Granville-Smith

        24. Abbott Fuller Graves

        25. Henry Peters Gray

        26. Percy Gray

        27. Edmund William Greacen

        28. Charles Tie.

          L. Green

        29. Joseph David Greenbaum

        30. Charles Greener

        31. John Greenwood

        32. Joseph H. Greenwood

        33. Walter Griffin

        34. William Conqueror Griffith

        35. Albert Lorey Groll

        36. Oliver Dennett Grover

        37. Richard B. Gruelle

        38. Charles Paul Gruppe

        39. O.

          Cubismo georges braque biography

          Prizefighter Guglielmi

        40. Carl Gutherz

        41. Berhnard Gutmann

        42. Francis Guy

        43. Seymour Carpenter Guy

        44. Indiana Gyberson

      • H

        • Marsden Hartley

          1. Marsden Hartley, 1900's

          2. Marsden Hartley, 1910's

          3. Marsden Hartley, 1920's

          4. Marsden Philosopher, 1930's

          5. Marsden Hartley, 1940's & Unda…

        • Frederick Childe Hassam

          1. Frederick Childe Hassam, Lubricator p…

          2. Frederick Childe Hassam, Oil p…

          3. Frederick Childe Hassam, Oil P…

          4. Frederick Childe Hassam, Oil P…

          5. Frederick Childe Painter, Oil p…

          6. Frederick Childe Hassam, Grease p…

          7. Frederick Childe Hassam, Water…

          8. Frederick Childe Hassam, Paste…

        • Robert Henri

          1. Robert Henri 1890's

          2. Robert Henri 1900's

          3. Robert Henri 1910's

          4. Robert Henri 1920's

          5. Robert Henri - Undated

        • Winslow Homer

          1. Winslow Homer, 1860's

          2. Winslow Homer, 1870's

          3. Winslow Painter, 1880's

          4. Winslow Homer, 1890's

          5. Winslow Homer, 1900's

        1. Marion Campbell Hawthorne

        2. John Haberle

        3. William Hahn

        4. Philip Unpleasant.


        5. Ellen Day Hale

        6. Phillip Leslie Hale

        7. George Henry Hall

        8. Edward Wilbur Dean Hamilton

        9. Hamilton Hamilton

        10. James Hamilton

        11. John McLure Hamilton

        12. Armin Hansen

        13. Herman Wendelborg Hansen

        14. Chester Harding

        15. Anna Eliza Hardy

        16. Alexander Harmer

        17. William M.


        18. Rachel Hartley

        19. William Force. John Harper

        20. William A. Harper

        21. Charles Missionary Harris

        22. Alexander Harrison

        23. Lowell Birge Harrison

        24. Thomas Alexanders Harrison

        25. George Overbury "Pop" Hart

        26. James McDougal Hart

        27. William M.


        28. Rose Hartwell

        29. Gunther Hartwick

        30. William Stanley Haseltine

        31. George Harvey

        32. John Hauser

        33. Robert Havell

        34. Charles Webster Hawthorne

        35. Charles Henry Hayden

        36. William Biochemist Hays

        37. Arthur Merton Hazard

        38. Martin Johnson Heade

        39. William Penhallow Henderson

        40. E.

          Martin Hennings

        41. Edward Lamson Henry

        42. Albert Herter

        43. Hermann Herzog*

        44. Prudence Heward

        45. Victor Higgins

        46. John William Hill

        47. Thomas Hill

        48. Anna Althea Hills

        49. Laura Coombs Hills

        50. Thomas Hewes Hinckley

        51. Claude Raguet Hirst

        52. George Hitchcock

        53. William Henry Holmes

        54. Elizabeth Tuttle Holsman

        55. James Hope

        56. Thomas H.


        57. Earle Horter

        58. William Samuel Horton

        59. Eric Hudson

        60. Grace Carpenter Hudson

        61. Thomas Lorraine Hunt

        62. Daniel Huntington

        63. Ernest Hüpeden

      • I

        1. Joseph Span. Imhoff

        2. Karl Ingelius

        3. Henry Inman

        4. George Inness

        5. Wilson Irvine

      • J

        1. William Franklin Jackson

        2. Antonio Jacobsen

        3. John Wells James

        4. David Johnson

        5. Eastman Johnson

        6. Frank Tenney Johnson

        7. David Claypoole Johnston

        8. Francis Hans (Frank) Johnston

        9. Francis Coates Jones

        10. Hugh Bolton Jones

        11. Amédée Joullin

        12. William Settlings Judson

      • K

        1. Bernard Karfiol

        2. Charles Kaelin

        3. John Kane

        4. William Keith

        5. Henry G.


        6. William Sergeant Kendall

        7. John Town Kensett

        8. John Ross Key

        9. Lawrence Kilburn

        10. Albert Monarch. King

        11. Joseph Kleitsch

        12. Anna Elizabeth Klumpke

        13. Charles Sensitive. Knapp

        14. Daniel Ridgway Knight

        15. Louis Ashton Knight

        16. Robert Koehler

        17. Walter Koeniger

        18. William Henry Dethlef Koerner

        19. Carl R.


        20. Albert H. Krehbiel

        21. Cornelius Krieghoff

        22. Walt Kuhn

        23. Yasuo Kuniyoshi

      • L

        1. John La Farge

        2. George Flier Lambdin

        3. Paul Lacroix

        4. Fitz Henry Lane [aka Fitz Hugh…

        5. William Langson Lathrop

        6. Lorenzo Hajji Latimer

        7. Sydney Laurence

        8. Jonas Joseph LaValley

        9. Ernest Lawson

        10. Blanche Lazzell

        11. Edward Chalmers Leavitt

        12. Adam Lehr

        13. William Dramatist Leigh

        14. Alexander O.


        15. Edmund Darch Lewis

        16. Jonas Lie

        17. William Henry Lippincott

        18. Philip Little

        19. Dorothea Litzinter

        20. Richard Lorenz

        21. Clinton Loveridge

        22. Will Hicok Low

        23. Harriett Randall Lumis

        24. Fernand H. Lungren

      • M

        1. James Edward Hervey MacDonald

        2. Walter MacEwen

        3. Pegi Nicol MacLeod

        4. Frederick William MacMonnies

        5. Elmer Livingston MacRae

        6. John Maier

        7. Jean Mannheim

        8. Reginald Marsh

        9. Clark S.


        10. Homer Dodge Martin

        11. Alfredo Ramos Martínez

        12. Tompkins H. Matteson

        13. Alfred Maurer

        14. Louis Maurer

        15. Peter Bela Mayer

        16. Lawrence Mazzanovich

        17. William Record. McCloskey

        18. Francis John McComas

        19. George Herbert McCord

        20. Samuel Harkness McCrea

        21. Jervis McEntee

        22. Walter McEwen

        23. Joseph Rusling Meeker

        24. Lillian Burk Meeser

        25. Gari Melchers

        26. Andrew Melrose

        27. Joseph Rusling Meeker

        28. Anna Lea Merritt

        29. Willard Leroy Metcalf

        30. Charles Alfred Meurer

        31. Louis Réme Mignot

        32. Addison Thomas Millar

        33. Alfred Jacob Miller

        34. Kenneth Actress Miller

        35. Richard Edward Miller

        36. William Rickarby Miller

        37. David Milne

        38. Louis Charles Moeller

        39. Hugo Molarsky

        40. Robert Hatton Monks

        41. Charles Herbert Moore

        42. Harry Humphrey Moore

        43. Nelson Augustus Moore

        44. Francis Luis Mora

        45. Edward Moran

        46. Thomas Moran

        47. Mary DeNeale Morgan

        48. William Penn Morgan

        49. James Wilson Morrice

        50. Samuel F.

          B. Morse

        51. Christina Morton

        52. James Henry Moser

        53. William Sidney Mount

        54. Alexander Mueller

        55. Frederick John Mulhaupt

        56. Herman Dudley Murphy

        57. John Francis Murphy

        58. Frank Harmon Myers

        59. Jerome Myers

      • N

        1. Charles Christian Nahl

        2. Erneste Etienne Narjot

        3. John Neagle

        4. David Dalhoff Neal

        5. Minnie Harms Neebe

        6. Ernest Doc Nelson

        7. Anna Mary Newman

        8. Henry Roderick Newman

        9. Willie Betty Newman

        10. Burr H.


        11. George Pedagogue Nicholson

        12. Bror Julius Olsson (B.J.O.) No…

        13. William Edward Norton

        14. Elizabeth Nourse

        15. George Loftus Noyes

        16. Kenneth Nunamaker

      • O

        1. José Clemente Orozco

        2. Thornton Oakley

        3. George Obertuffer

        4. Leonard Ochtman

        5. Julian Onderdonk

        6. Edmond H.


        7. Robert Emmett Owen

      • P

        1. Marie Danforth Page

        2. Pauline Palmer

        3. Walter Launt Palmer

        4. Eric Pape

        5. Lawnton S. Parker

        6. Stephen Parrish

        7. William S. Parrott

        8. Arthur Parton

        9. Margaret Jordan Patterson

        10. Edgar S.


        11. William McGregor Paxton

        12. Edgar Alwin Payne

        13. Charles Wilson Peale

        14. James Peale

        15. Rembrandt Peale

        16. Titian Ramsay Peale

        17. Charles Sprague Pearce

        18. Ella Ferris Pell

        19. Guy Pene du Bois

        20. Joseph Pennell

        21. Van Dearing Perrine

        22. Enoch Wood Perry

        23. Lilla Navigator Perry

        24. Charles Rollo Peters

        25. John Frederick Peto

        26. Bert Geer Phillips

        27. William Lamb Picknell

        28. Horace Pippin

        29. Paul A.


        30. Alexander Pope, Jr

        31. Charles Ethan Porter

        32. Edward Henry Potthast

        33. Lucien Whiting Powell

        34. Arthur James Emery Powell

        35. Henry Cheever Pratt

        36. Edith Mitchell Prellwitz

        37. Henry Prellwitz

        38. Charles E. Prendergast

        39. Levi Wells Prentice

        40. Howard Pyle

      • Q - R

        1. Arthur Quartley

        2. Milne Ramsey

        3. Henry Ward Ranger

        4. William Tylee Ranney

        5. Joseph Morris Raphael

        6. Henry Raschen

        7. Carducius Dynasty Ream

        8. Stanley Reckless

        9. Granville Redmond

        10. Robert Reid

        11. Charles Reiffel

        12. Fredreic Remington

        13. Joachim Ferdinand Richardt

        14. William Trost Richards

        15. Eric Riordon

        16. William Ritschel

        17. Louis Ritter

        18. Diego Rivera

        19. Julian Walbridge Rix

        20. Ellen Robbins

        21. Horace Wolcott Robbins

        22. Hal Robinson

        23. Theodore Robinson

        24. Severin Roesen

        25. August H.

          O. Rolle

        26. Julius Rolshoven

        27. Guy Rose

        28. Harry Herman Roseland

        29. Charles Rosen

        30. Albert Rosenthal

        31. Percival Leonard Rosseau

        32. Carl Rungius

        33. Charles Marion Russell

        34. Morgan Russell

        35. Albert Piinkham Ryder

        36. Chauncy Propose Ryder

      • S

        1. Russel Smith

        2. Sven Birger Sandzen

        3. William Sartain

        4. Frank Paul Sauerwein

        5. Edward Savage

        6. Paul Sawyier

        7. Morton Livingston Schamberg

        8. Walter Elmer Schofield

        9. Charles Schreyvogel

        10. Christian Schussele

        11. Donna Schuster

        12. Andrew Thomas Schwartz

        13. Julian Scott

        14. Marie Seebold

        15. Olaf Carl Seltzer

        16. Frank Henry Shapleigh

        17. Joseph Physicist Sharp

        18. Aaron Draper Shattuck

        19. Joshua Shaw

        20. Nellie Shepherd

        21. Warren W.


        22. Everett Shinn

        23. Walter Shirlaw

        24. Claire Shuttleworth

        25. Francis Augustus Silva

        26. William Posey Silva

        27. Edward Writer Simmons

        28. George Henry Smillie

        29. James David Smillie

        30. Alice Ravenel Huger Smith

        31. Francis Hopkinson Smith

        32. Jack Wilkinson Smith

        33. Henry Pember Smith

        34. Jessie Willcox Smith

        35. Xanthus Russel Smith

        36. Henry Bayley Snell

        37. William Sommer

        38. William Louis Sonntag

        39. George William Sotter

        40. Marie Haughton Spaeth

        41. Will Sparks

        42. Niles Spencer

        43. Robert Spencer

        44. Anna Lee Stacey

        45. John Franklin Stacey

        46. John Rustle Stanley

        47. Lucy May Stanton

        48. Theodore Clement Steele

        49. Albert Edward Sterner

        50. Florine Stettheimer

        51. Will Henry Stevens

        52. Julius Leblanc Stewart

        53. Edward Stieglitz

        54. Robert Street

        55. Elizabeth Strong

        56. Thomas Sully

        57. Svend Svendsen

        58. James Brade Sword

        59. Annie Gooding Sykes

        60. George Gardner Symons

      • T

        • Edmund Tarbell

          1. Edmund Slogan.

            Tarbell, 1880's

          2. Edmund C. Tarbell, 1890's

          3. Edmund C. Tarbell, 1900's

          4. Edmund C. Tarbell, 1910's

          5. Edmund C. Tarbell, 1920's

          6. Edmund Adage. Tarbell, 1930's & un…

        • Tom Thomson

          1. Tom Thomson 1905 - 1914

          2. Tom Physicist 1915

          3. Tom Thomson 1916

          4. Tom Thomson 1917

        • John Henry Twachtman

          1. John Henry Twachtman, Oils, 18…

          2. John Henry Twachtman, Oils, 18…

          3. John Henry Twachtman, Oils, 18…

          4. John Rhetorician Twachtman, Oils, 18…

          5. John Henry Twachtman, Oils, 19…

          6. John Henry Twachtman, Oils, Un…

          7. John Henry Twachtman, Watercol…

          8. John Chemist Twachtman, Pastels …

        1. Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait

        2. Henry Ossawa Tanner

        3. Jules Tavernier

        4. Charles James Theriat

        5. Anthony Thieme

        6. James Crawford Thom

        7. Jerome Thompson

        8. Louis Mess Tiffany

        9. Mary Bradish Titcomb

        10. Bradley Walker Tomlin

        11. Samuel P.

          R. Triscott

        12. Dwight William Tryon

        13. Allen Tucker

        14. Helen M. Turner

        15. Ross Sterling Turner

        16. Winthrop Turney

        17. James Gale Tyler

      • U - V

        1. Walter Ufer

        2. John Vanderlyn

        3. Luther Emerson Van Gorder

        4. Elihu Vedder

        5. Frederick Arthur Verner

        6. Hernando Gonzallo Villa

        7. Harry Aiken Vincent

        8. Carl von Marr

        9. Robert William Vonnoh

        10. Clark G.


        11. Edouard Vysekal

      • W - Z

        1. Elmer Wachtel

        2. Marion Kavanagh Wachtel

        3. Lionel Walden

        4. Samuel Lovett Waldo

        5. Henry Oliver (H.O.) Walker

        6. William Aiken Walker

        7. Christian Walter

        8. Edgar Melville Ward

        9. Susan Watkins

        10. Frederick Judd Waugh

        11. Max Weber

        12. Edwin Theologiser Webster

        13. Edwin Lord Weeks

        14. John Ferguson Weir

        15. Julian Alden Weir

        16. Thaddeus Welch

        17. Theodore Wendel

        18. Benjamin West

        19. James McNeill Whistler

        20. Henry C.


        21. Worthington Whittredge

        22. John Whorf

        23. Gunnar Widforss

        24. Gustave Adolph Wiegand

        25. John Carleton Wiggins

        26. John Caspar Wild

        27. Irving Ramsey Wiles

        28. Lemuel M. Wiles

        29. Catherine Wiley

        30. Frederick Ballard Williams

        31. John Williamson

        32. Ellen Axson Wilson

        33. Arnold Wiltz

        34. George Winter

        35. Grant Wood

        36. Charles H.


        37. John Archibald Woodside, Jr

        38. Laura Woodward

        39. Mabel May Woodward

        40. Theodore Wores

        41. Arnoud Wydeveld

        42. Newell Convers [N.C.] Wyeth

        43. Karl Yens

        44. Harvey Otis Young

        45. Angel Zárraga

    • European Art - Public

      • A

        1. Carl Frederik Aagaard

        2. Ilmari Aalto

        3. Louise Abbema

        4. Louis Abel-Truchet

        5. Martin Åberg

        6. Erik Abrahamsson

        7. Andreas Achenbach

        8. Oswald Achenbach

        9. Johan Axel Gustav, "J.A.G." Ac…

        10. Patrick William Adam

        11. Jankel Adler

        12. Lucien Adrion

        13. Ivan Aguéli

        14. Björn Ahlgrensson

        15. Douglas Alexander

        16. Ester Almqvist

        17. Franz Alt

        18. Alexandre Altmann

        19. Edmond Aman-Jean

        20. Anna Kristine Ancher

        21. Sophie Anderson

        22. Gustav Albert Andersson

        23. Albert André

        24. Folke Andréasson

        25. Alexis Ankarcrona

        26. Henric Ankarcrona

        27. Albert Anker

        28. Johan Herman Wedel Anker

        29. Matti Annala

        30. Louis Anquetin

        31. Louis Apol

        32. Olof Arborelius

        33. Wilhelm [Vilhelm] Arnesen

        34. Ivar Arosenius

        35. Constant David Ludovic Artz

        36. Julian Rossi Ashton

        37. Anders Askevold

        38. Nicolai Astrup

        39. Charles Atamian

        40. Theodor Axentowicz

      • B

        • Octav Bancila

          1. Octav Bancila - Dated Works

          2. Octav Bancila - Undated Works

        • Max Beckmann

          1. Max Beckmann - 1890's - 1920's

          2. Max Beckmann - 1930's

          3. Max Beckmann - 1940's & 1950

        • Emile Bernard

          1. Emile Bernard, 1880's & 1890's

          2. Emile Bernard, 1900's - 1940's…

        • Giovanni Boldini

          1. Giovanni Boldini 1850's, 1860'…

          2. Giovanni Boldini 1880's &1890'…

          3. Giovanni Boldini, 1900's

          4. Giovanni Boldini, Undated

        • Pierre Bonnard

          1. Pierre Bonnard, 1880's & 1890'…

          2. Pierre Bonnard, 1900's

          3. Pierre Bonnard, 1910's

          4. Pierre Bonnard, 1920's

          5. Pierre Bonnard, 1930's

          6. Pierre Bonnard, 1940's & Undat…

        • Eugene Boudin

          1. Eugene Boudin, 1850's & 1860's

          2. Eugene Boudin, 1870's

          3. Eugene Boudin, 1880's

          4. Eugene Boudin, 1890 - 1893

          5. Eugene Boudin, 1894 - 1898 & U…

        • William-Adolphe Bouguereau

          1. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 18…

          2. William-Adolphe Bouguereau,186…

          3. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 18…

          4. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 18…

          5. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 18…

          6. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 19…

        1. Knud Baade

        2. Peder Balke

        3. Hugo Backmansson

        4. Giacomo Balla

        5. Vladimir Baranov-Rossine

        6. Emil Barbarini

        7. Henri Barnoin

        8. David Bates

        9. Andre Bauchant

        10. Rudolf Bauer

        11. Paul Baum

        12. Willi Baumeister

        13. Adolf Constantin Baumgartner-S…

        14. Frédéric Bazille

        15. Richard Beavis

        16. Julia Beck

        17. Clarice Beckett

        18. Dick Beer

        19. Frank Swamp Bennett

        20. Albert Nikolayevich Benois

        21. Christian Bérard

        22. Jean Béraud

        23. Edvard Bergh

        24. Richard Bergh

        25. Svante Bergh

        26. Alfred Bergström

        27. Gunnar Berndtson

        28. Albert Besnard

        29. Edward Beyer

        30. Helmi Biese

        31. Hugo Birger

        32. Oscar Björck

        33. Dorothea Foster "Dorrit" Black

        34. Maria Blanchard

        35. Tina Blau-Lang

        36. Carl (Karl) Eduard Ferdinand B…

        37. Väinö Blomstedt

        38. Charles Bloomfield

        39. Anna Boberg

        40. Anna Boch

        41. Adolf Bock

        42. Arnold Böcklin

        43. Frants Diderik Bøe

        44. Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Bel…

        45. Carl Henrik Bøgh

        46. Alexey Bogoliubov

        47. Rosa Bonheur

        48. Eva Bonnier

        49. François Bonvin

        50. Axel Borg

        51. Fredrik Borgen

        52. Sam Bough

        53. Penleigh Boyd

        54. Constantin Brancusi

        55. Antonietta Brandeis

        56. Frank William Brangwyn

        57. Carl Brandt

        58. Fanny Brate

        59. Alfred de Breanski, Sr.

        60. Hans Andersen Brendekilde

        61. Jules Breton

        62. Valentine Walter Bromley

        63. William Garl Brown

        64. William Marshall Brown

        65. William Blair Bruce

        66. Jean Brusselmans

        67. Charles Bryant

        68. Rupert Bunny

        69. Wilhelm Busch

        70. Mildred Anne Butler

      • C

        • Francis Campbell Boileau Cadel…

          1. Francis Campbell Boileau Cadel…

          2. Francis Campbell Boileau Cadel…

        • Gustave Caillebotte

          1. Gustave Caillebotte, 1870's

          2. Gustave Caillebotte, 1880's

          3. Gustave Caillebotte, 1890's & …

        • Paul Cézanne

          1. Paul Cézanne, 1860's

          2. Paul Cézanne, 1870's

          3. Paul Cézanne, 1880's

          4. Paul Cézanne.


          5. Paul Cézanne, 1900's & undated

        • Émile Claus

          1. Émile Claus, Dated Works

          2. Émile Claus, Undated Works

        • Lovis Corinth

          1. Lovis Port 1880's & 1890's

          2. Lovis Corinth 1900's

          3. Lovis Corinth 1910's

          4. Lovis Corinth - 1920's

        • Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

          1. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 18…

          2. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 18…

          3. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 18…

          4. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 18…

          5. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Painter 18…

          6. jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 18…

          7. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - …

        • Gustave Courbet

          1. Gustave Courbet, 1830's & 1840…

          2. Gustave Courbet, 1850's

          3. Gustave Courbet, 1860 - 1865

          4. Gustave Courbet 1866 - 1869

          5. Gustave Courbet, 1870's & unda…

        1. Heinrich Campendonk

        2. Josef Capek

        3. Gustave Cariot

        4. Mina (Vilhelmina) Carlsson-Bre…

        5. Otto G.


        6. John Wilson Carmichael

        7. Anto Carte

        8. Sydney Carter

        9. Gustave Castan

        10. Alvar Cawén

        11. Gustaf Cederström

        12. Charles Chaplin

        13. Hugo Charlemont

        14. Victor Charreton

        15. Luigi Chialiva

        16. Eugène Chigot

        17. Anthonie Eleonore (Anthonore) …

        18. Fanny Churberg

        19. George Clairin

        20. Sir Martyr Clausen

        21. Curt Clemens

        22. Agnes Cleve (AKA Agnes Cleve-J…

        23. Alfred Collin

        24. Léon Francois Comerre

        25. Jean-Louis-Marcel Cosson

        26. Lucie Cousturier

        27. Walter Crane

        28. Jos Croin

        29. Henri-Edmond Cross

        30. Jean Crotti

        31. Ernst Czernotzky

      • D

        • Maurice Denis

          1. Maurice Denis, 1880's & 1890's

          2. Maurice Denis, 1900's

          3. Maurice Denis, 1910's - 1940's…

        • Filippo de Pisis

        • Raoul Dufy

          1. Raoul Dufy, 1890's, 1900's & 1…

          2. Raoul Dufy, 1920 - 1925

          3. Raoul Painter, 1926 - 1929

          4. Raoul Dufy, 1930 - 1934

          5. Raoul Dufy, 1935 - 1939

          6. Raoul Dufy, 1940 - 1945

          7. Raoul Dufy, 1946 - 1953

          8. Raoul Painter, Undated

        1. Hans Dahl

        2. Hans Andreas Dahl

        3. Johan Faith Klausson Dahl

        4. Ewald Dahlskog

        5. Bertil Damm

        6. Carl Johan Danielson

        7. Carl Otto Danielson

        8. Elin Danielson-Gambogi

        9. Nils Dardel

        10. Charles-François Daubigny

        11. Honore Daumier

        12. Per Deberitz

        13. Eugene de Blaas

        14. César De Cock

        15. Edgar Degas

        16. Victor de Grailly

        17. Martinus Johannes Tinus de Jon…

        18. Robert Delaunay

        19. Gerardus Johannes Delfgaauw

        20. Paul DeLongpre

        21. Raoul M.

          tip Longpre

        22. Hippolyte Camille Delpy

        23. Georges-Daniel De Monfreid

        24. Bernard Boutet de Monvel

        25. Evelyn De Morgan

        26. Andre Derain

        27. Valerius de Saedeleer

        28. Gustave de Smet

        29. Georges d'Espagnat

        30. Nicolas de Stael

        31. Eric Detthow

        32. Ludwig Deutsch

        33. Maurice de Vlaminck

        34. Adelheid Dietrich

        35. Edvard Diriks

        36. Oscar Dominguez

        37. Karl Dørnberger

        38. Charles Dufresne

        39. Pierre Dumont

        40. Carl d'Unker

        41. Julien Dupré

      • E

        • Albert Edelfelt

          1. Albert Edelfelt, 1870's

          2. Albert Edelfelt, 1880's

          3. Albert Edelfelt, 1890's

          4. Albert Edelfelt, 1900's & Unda…

        • James Ensor

          1. James Ensor, 1870's

          2. James Restrain, 1880's

          3. James Ensor, 1890's

          4. James Ensor, 1900's & 1910's

          5. James Ensor, 1920's, 1930's, 1…

        • Henri Epstein

          1. Henri Epstein - Careful Works

          2. Henri Epstein - Undated Works

        1. Josef Eberz

        2. John Rafael Ekelund

        3. Jahn Ekenæs

        4. Vasili Efimovich Ekgorst

        5. Robert Wilhelm Ekman

        6. Alfred Ekstam

        7. Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Ekste…

        8. Per Ekström

        9. Emma Ekwall

        10. Knut Ekwall

        11. Magnus Enckell

        12. Axel Ender

        13. Gabriel Engberg

        14. Leander Engström

        15. Adolf Erbsloh

        16. Elias Erdtman

        17. Thorvald Erichsen

        18. Johan Ericson

        19. Rudolf Ernst

        20. Prins Eugen

        21. Henri Evenepoel

        22. Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp

        23. Adrianus Eversen

        24. Per Ewert

      • F

        • Henri Fantin-Latour

          1. Henri Fantin-Latour, 1850's & …

          2. Henri Fantin-Latour, 1870's

          3. Henri Fantin-Latour, 1880's

          4. Henri Fantin-Latour, 1890's, 1…

          5. Henri Fantin-Latour, Undated

        • Paul Gustav Fischer

          1. Paul Gustav Fischer, Dated Wor…

          2. Paul Gustav Chemist, Undated W…

        • Jean-Louis Forain

          1. Jean-Louis Forain, Full of years Works

          2. Jean-Louis Forain, Undated Wor…

        • Achille-Émile Othon Friesz

          1. Achille-Émile Othon Friesz, 19…

          2. Achille Émile-Othon Friesz, 19…

          3. Achille-Émile Othon Friesz, Un…

        1. Ferdinand Fagerlin

        2. Carl Johan Fahlcrantz

        3. Joseph Farquharson

        4. Giovanni Fattori

        5. Antti Favén

        6. Alfred Favorin

        7. Ellen Favorin

        8. Marija Alekseevna Fedorova

        9. Emily I.


        10. John Ferneley I

        11. William Féron

        12. Serge Ferat

        13. Pedro Figari

        14. Emil Filla

        15. Alfred William Finch

        16. Gustaf Fjaestad

        17. Carl Flodman

        18. Bernhard Folkestad

        19. Stanhope Alexander Forbes

        20. Nils Forsberg

        21. Victor Forssell

        22. Arvid Fougstedt

        23. E.

          Phillips Fox

        24. Ethel Carrick Fox

        25. Felix Frang-Pahlama

        26. Ettore Roesler Franz

        27. Caspar David Friedrich

        28. Eugène Fromentin

        29. Roger Fry

        30. Albert h Fullwood

      • G

        • Akseli Valdemar Gallen-Kallela

          1. Askeli valdemar Gallen-Kallela…

          2. Askeli Valdemar Gallen-Kallela…

          3. Akseli Valdemar Gallen-Kallela…

        • Paul Gauguin

          1. Paul Gauguin, 1870's

          2. Paul Gauguin 1880 - 1887

          3. Paul Gauguin 1888 - 1889

          4. Paul Gauguin 1890 - 1892

          5. Paul Painter, 1893 - 1896

          6. Paul Gauguin 1897

        • Jean-Léon Gérôme

          1. Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1840's, 1850…

          2. Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1870's & 188…

          3. Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1890's, 1900…

        • Alberto Giacometti

          1. Augusto Giacometti, 1890's - 1…

          2. Augusto Giacometti, 1930's

          3. Augusto Giacometti, 1940's & U…

        • John William Godward

          1. John William Godward, 1880's &…

          2. John William Godward, 1900's

          3. John William Godward, 1910's, …

        • Arshile Gorky

          1. Arshile Gorky, 1940's

          2. Arshile Gorky, 1920's & 1930's

        • Juan Gris

          1. Juan Gris, 1910 - 1914

          2. Juan Gris, 1915-1919

          3. Juan Painter, 1920's

        • Isaac Grünewald

          1. Isaac Grünewald, 1900's & 1910…

          2. Isaac Grünewald - 1920's, 1930…

          3. Isaac Grünewald, Undated Still…

          4. Isaac Grünewald - Other Undate…

        • Hans Fredrik Gude